Check out some of the great feedback we've received from clients!


"My name is Lisa Fox and my mother, Roberta Brecher, recently underwent a cochlear implant and has been working with Nicole Nguyen. On June 21st, many of my family members and I had the incredible pleasure of meeting Nicole. During the two and half hours visit, I witnessed Nicole’s talents:
her knowledge and expertise in the field, her ability to articulate concepts and steps of the process in a clear and comprehensive manner, and her genuine kindness and patience as she helped my mom – and the rest of us – move through the miracle we witnessed as my mom heard words for the first time in many, many years. 

Watching Nicole work and interact with my mom was by far one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in my life. Seeing Nicole systematically yet gently guide my mom through all that would be happening during the session was like nothing I have seen before. As you likely know, in the world of health care, it is rare for patients to experience great care that is thorough and delivered with kindness. Nicole exceeded any expectation I could have had for her and for how she worked with my mom. 

Since meeting Nicole, I have told friends whose parents have hearing loss that if they ever consider having the cochlear surgery, there is only one person they should use as their audiologist during the process and that is Nicole; she is a gem, and I know I can speak for both of my parents when I say that we feel so indebted to her for what she has done not only for my mom but for all of us." -- Lisa Fox



"Hi everyone! My name is Tim Malarkey Sr and I have had my cochlear implant (CI) for 18 months now and cannot believe how my life has changed. I’m 57 years old and when I finally decided to do something about my hearing loss I turned to the talented people at The University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, and specifically Dr. Anne Ferruggiaro. “Annie” is without a doubt one of the most kindest, most understanding doctor I have ever met. Her knowledge in the CI field is amazing to me. After the implant and activation process occurs many visits are required to fine turn your CI. I actually look forward to seeing Annie to find out how I am progressing and to make those necessary adjustments for a better hearing experience. 

 When I walked into her office 20 months ago for a comprehensive hearing evaluation, I found out I was hearing about 10% of spoken words and sentences. At that point I realized that something had to be done to improve my quality of life. Dr. Annie has done just that!! As of my last visit with Annie I am hearing at about 85%. Totally amazing and totally due to Annie’s knowledge, understanding and commitment to her patients. 

 If you have any doubts about being treated for hearing loss of any kind, please seek out help. In my opinion there is only one place to look, Dr. Anne Ferruggiaro at UMMC in Baltimore, MD." -- Tim Malarkey Sr.


Last modified
04/25/2019 - 10:18 am