Graduate Student Training

Graduate Training in Audiology

The program in clinical audiology at UMCP provides opportunities for hands-on training on cochlear implants from the very start of the program, as well as offering a specialty track for students who wish to gain additional CI experience.

SLP Students in class

Graduate Training in Speech-Language Pathology

Individuals with CI benefit from language rehabilitative training provided by trained speech-language pathologists. We ofter SLP clinical trainees an opportunity for hands on experience providing these services.


Cochlear Implant Surgery

Otology/Medical Resident Training

The Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery of the University of Maryland School of Medicine has a full-time, ACGME accredited residency in Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, as well as offering rotations for medical students.

Dr. Anderson with a Student

Postdoctorate Research Training

MCICE's combination of clinical services, translational research, and basic science research provides a unique training opportunity for postdoctoral scholars looking to specialize in co