Dr. Nguyen is an Associate Clinical Professor and the Director of Clinical Education in Audiology in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at the University of Maryland. While she provides many services for individuals with hearing loss, working with cochlear implant patients and their families has been a primary focus throughout her career. She is the only ABA board-certified specialist in cochlear implants in the DC Metropolitan area (Maryland, DC, Virginia). Dr. Nguyen enjoys sharing her knowledge of implantable devices with the doctoral students she teaches, as well as with the public. She routinely hosts patient education seminars and collaborates with other professionals to spread the word about cochlear implants. Dr. Nguyen has witnessed firsthand the life-changing effects cochlear implants can have for individuals with hearing loss by traveling the journey with her father, a bilateral CI recipient.



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Nicole Nguyen, Au.D.
0111 LeFrak Hall, College Park, MD 20742
Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence
nknguyen [at] umd.edu