The Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence (MCICE) was established to combine the strengths of the University of Maryland - College Park (UMD), University of Maryland Medical Center, and the University of Maryland - Baltimore School of Medicine. The culmination of research in speech, language, and hearing with clinical and surgical expertise provide a bounty of support for training, services, and further research on cochlear implants. To continue in this educational mission, MCICE is implementing a specialty certification in cochlear implants, the Cochlear Implant Emphasis Program (CI-EP), for UMD graduate programs in Clinical Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. This certification with allow for selected students to receive advanced academic, clinical, and research training related in cochlear implants. This track also provides students with the highly-valued opportunities for interprofessional education through shared course work and clinical rotations that will be infused through the program. 


What Will I Gain from CI-EP?

The program is designed to enable student to demonstrate the ability to identify, assess, and counsel cochlear implant candidates. In addition to this, students will gain an understanding of the speech, language, and hearing outcomes for individuals with cochlear implants. Through this program students will acquire strategies for critical assessment of cochlear implant research finding to optimize cochlear implant outcomes. The CI-ED provides unique opportunities to participate in immersive and intensive programs and clinical experiences that will prepare students to effectively apply cochlear implant (re)habilitation therapy collaboratively. Students selected to participate in the cochlear implant specialty track of the CAUD and SLP graduate programs will receive additional training in cochlear implants to garner the skills to providing clinical services to individuals with cochlear implants.


How Do I Join CI-EP?                                                                     

This proposal is for a limited capacity program, in order to enable effective mentoring and programming of clinical experiences for students in the program. An announcement for applications will be sent out to admitted students during the summer preceding their first Fall semester. Applications will be due on August 1 every year and consist of: an online form, 300-word statement of interest in the program and resume. Students will be notified about their entry into the program around the first week of Fall semester. Students will begin the CI-EP in the first semester of their graduate program. Students will work with a faculty advisor to plan their activities (described below). All changes to the activities need to be pre-approved by their advisor. Students will register for one credit for the CI-EP. For MA students, any CI-EP coursework (HESP639C) will apply towards the elective credit requirements of the program. CI-EP learning outcomes will be assessed at the end of the student’s degree program. CI-EP program completion is defined as meeting all outcomes at a ‘satisfactory’ level of performance.


For additional information, contact the director of the program:

Nicole Nguyen, Au.D.

Nicole Nguyen, Au.D., CISC, CCC-A
Associate Clinical Professor in Audiology
Director of Clinical Education in Audiology